Monday, March 3, 2008

Primary teachers - beware...

Yesterday I asked Ashleigh how primary was. She started by saying that it was really good-they sang I am a Child of God, they talked a lot about Jesus and they watched a video. She and I sang I am a Child of God together on our drive back home from church. I asked her what video they watched and she said it was about Jesus being put on the cross and "the bad people putting pins in his hands". She said that "Jesus looks different in the video"...I said different than what? She said he looks different than how I remember him.....hmmm.... anyway, the rest of Sunday was good, I didn't have to work for once so we all went to the Call's for dinner, we took them to see our new house, we had a good time. Ashleigh went to bed just fine-the way she usually does. Preston slept clear through the night in his own bed and it was great...until about 5am.....
Ashleigh woke up crying REALLY loudly and hard-almost screaming-and calling for daddy....Nick went to her and she told him that she had a bad dream that bad people were putting a crown of pins on her head and making her bleed!!! She was hysterical and so sad! Nick calmed her down and they both went back to sleep. She woke up again about 30 min later and this time I went to her....not knowing what she told Nick, I was less sympathetic (I was VERY tired and annoyed that she wouldn't go back to sleep-I felt bad the next day when I realized why she was really crying) I got her back to sleep.
The point is, I am a little upset at Ashleigh's primary teachers for showing them this video. Obviously there are some good principles in it, but she is only 5! She freaks out when she watches big kid cartoons! She is WAY more sensitive lately by the things on TV than most kids I think and I just wish they had told us parents ahead of time so we could take her out. What's funny is, I kept thinking about her during Relief Society and I couldn't get her off my mind....I kept thinking--we should go home early, but then kept telling myself that I needed to stay, this is where Heavenly Father wants I'm wondering if I should have listened to myself and taken her home. Oh-well....I am going to call her teacher(s) tomorrow and enlighten them as politely as I can. Poor Ashleigh---she is afraid to go to sleep tonight!


arah said...

oh my gosh, that is so sad. What video did they show? because you have to get permission to use anything not published by the church...including the cartoon series of NT, OT, D&C and BOM. They aren't put out by the church. Give her a hug from me.

Anonymous said...

Oh sad. Sorry that had to happen that way. She is extremely sensitive like someone else I know (me). I am sure that teacher would be mortified if she thought she had caused problems. Maybe you could volunteer to go in there and help her out or something like that and then you could have more control over stuff like that. I remember when Betsie was scared of so many things when she was that age. I had to sing Angel Friends to her every night just so she wouldn't be afraid. Good luck. Love you all...