Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Job transfer

I am so excited...I have been at my job for 6 months now and I have been trying to transfer to the Riverton Wal-mart since it opened a couple months ago. I am currently driving 35 minutes to and from work and if I transfer I'll only be driving 12 minutes! Well, today I got a call that they want me to transfer stores! :) Yipee! My pay will stay the same and my schedule will most likely stay the same too. It will probably be a few weeks still before I actually transfer, but as soon as it happens I'll definitely be a happy girl! :) And even happier that I'll be saving some money on gas! woo hoo. I am so glad!

Next year when the Saratoga Springs store opens I'll transfer to there too and then I'll only have to drive 5 min! :)

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