Monday, July 28, 2008

July 26 celebration

Yes, I said--July 26. Pioneer day is actually the 24th, but in Cedar Hills, where my sister Tamsen lives they do fireworks, etc on the Saturday following Pioneer day so this year it fell on the 26th. We came over to her house in the evening and were met with other family and friends. We all ate some food and visited and waited for the fireworks to start, but a big storm had been blowing in and by 10pm it was WAY too windy to set them off safely so they postponed them until Monday (today). We had a lot of fun just visiting and eating though. I LOVE get togethers!

Me holding baby Amelia...some of these are out of order....sorry!

Look how dainty she is--always with her ankles crossed. So cute!

Nick's parents came to my sister's house too...I was so glad! We haven't seen them in quite a while so it was nice to have them around again!

Both Juli and I thought of Betsie when these little cuties came in. They are identical twins-14 months old. This will be Jennidee and Emma in a year. cute, huh? :)

I was holding Amelia and she fell asleep in this slunched over sitting position. It was so cute!

My sister-in-law Jana and my brother Kevin

Me holding my niece Amelia. She's so tiny! I love it

Juli, Randy, Preston and Nick

Nathan, Braeden, Amelia, my mom

And the host of the fun fun sister Tamsen. She's so cute!

1 comment:

Patrick and Emily said...

Amelia looks so cute! Looks like a fun time.