Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Years Day and randoms

New Years day we always go to my parents house for my dad's "famous" spaghetti. His sauce is like none other and SO delicious!!! We love going over there every year.
My siblings were all there too which made it even better and we all had fun visiting and playing games.

Towards the end of the evening Preston started not feeling well and just laid on the floor and played with his trains. he fell asleep after a while and it felt like he had a fever. Nick went back to our house (1 hr round trip) to get him some medicine and food--none of which he ate and by the time Nick got back, we were ready to go home. It was a waste of a trip, but oh-well...It was nice of him to offer to go at all.

Thankfully, Preston's "illness" was gone completely by morning.

Nick's phone broke...or rather, it got run over by a car or two...pretty sad looking thing.

While I was driving, I saw about 50+ deer in a field...I wish my phone took better pictures....

Preston refuses to take naps any more, but it never fails that around 5pm he gets really tired...on this day, he fell asleep laying over the funny. He stayed asleep like this for about 30 min!

I've finally been able to get more hours at work and it's meant that I've been able to see the sun come up in the mornings. This was such a pretty sunrise. I couldn't resist taking a picture.

I took a few pictures of the kids and then Ash and Preston took turns with the camera taking pictures.

Self portrait...

Preston took this while we were driving to Prove to see Maura's last ballet recital.

Preston took this AT the recital. :-) Tamsen and Ethan. Maura did such a GREAT job. I'm so impressed with her talent. I wish she were going to keep doing Ballet, but I'm excited to see her do gymnastics too.

The kids and I went to Coopers house to celebrate his birthday with him. He turned 5 and will be starting Kindergarten this fall. Preston is now, finally, excited to be starting school...too bad he still has another year and a half until he can go too!

I think Sheridan likes the attention that Ashleigh and Teriesa give him and he let them dress him up in a dress and they painted his fingernails. Cracked me up!!!

Amelia wanted to dress up too. Such a little princess.
She had me take a bunch of pictures and videos of her and would say "See Amelia?" and then I would show her. She liked watching herself.

1 comment:

Tamsen said...

We're so happy you were able to come to M's dance recital!! Thanks for coming!