Monday, December 5, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We did Thanksgiving by ourselves this year, and while we missed our families, we really enjoyed having this holiday alone with our own little family. It was so laid back and there was no pressure to have dinner done at a certain time. Being the cook, I especially loved that!

The day started (for me) with a 3 mile walk/jog. Then I prepped the Turkey and got it in the oven. After I basted it the first time I left the turkey in Nick's capable hands so I could shower and then I headed to Winco for a few more last minute items before they closed.

When I woke up I was craving a piece of Pistachio I got a mix at Winco. I had a teeny tiny piece and then threw the rest away. Lol.

Ashleigh was the biggest helper! I couldn't have done this dinner with out her help. She was right by my side fixing this, and putting together that, and always asking what else she can do. It was awesome!!!

After a while the kids decided to go swimming in their bathtub. They're so funny!

Finally, the turkey was done. I finished up the gravy, mashed potatoes, rolls, etc while I let the turkey rest. And then it was time to EAT!
We don't have an actual dining room so we set up the table in the living room. It was perfect and cozy for our little family. :-)

Nick got this electric knife from his parents a number of years ago, but I don't think we've ever used it because we've always gone to our families houses for the holidays. He was so excited to use it today! :-)

Mmm, the turkey was SO juicy and tender and the skin (Nick said) was really crispy...perfect!
We went around the table and said what we are thankful for and said a prayer full of thanks to our God in Heaven for all of our blessings.

It was a wonderful and perfect Thanksgiving!!! :-)

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