Most of my family members live here
Nick's parents live here
Ashleigh is going to an amazing charter school
Ashleigh and Preston have really really good friends
Nick and I both work at jobs that we really like
We live in a house that we LOVE
We feel safe and comfortable in our little neighborhood
The storms are amazing to watch
We've had really really good times here...but likewise we've had really really really really bad times here too. These are personal to us, and things we won't be sharing with anyone else, but just know...they were bad.
So, what do we do to make this year GREAT???
Well, I think we've figured it out... Nick got a job offer from OMS today-the company he worked for before we moved to Utah.
It's a good offer.
Its more money than he is currently making. His income there would be more than what he AND I are making here in Utah. Then when I get a job in WA/OR too, we'll be making about 15k/yr more than we are now. That's huge incentive...much like the money was a huge incentive for us to move from WA to UT 4 years ago.
So, we're moving....
Nick is leaving in just under 2 weeks. He'll be living with family friends for the 3 months that he'll be gone.
We'll be apart for 82 days....
In 10 years of marriage we've only been apart for 10 days at the most. This is going to be hard on both of us.
He's going to be away from us, he won't be able to see his kids or me...he'll, in a sense, be a bachelor again. Living all alone and fending for himself. He'll have to do his own laundry, make all his own meals, keep himself entertained, etc...
I'll be away from the one person in the world that I feel 100% myself with...I'll be a single mom, sole person responsible for taking care of the house, keeping the kids fed and clothed and happy.
I need to be strong for my kids.
Ashleigh is emotional like I am. I know it'll be hard to be strong for her, when I'll want to sit and cry like a baby too.
I can do it.
Preston has no clue what is really going on. I tell him that daddy is leaving and will be gone for a really really long time, but he just goes back to playing with his trains and doesn't even realize that daddy will be gone for longer than just 1 night at work.
I know that this is a small thing in comparison to those who's spouses have gone to war for a year or more...or who's spouses have died suddenly and they didn't even have time to prepare for the loss. At least we get to prepare...We have some time together...we get to say good bye to each other...we will be able to be together again. It's a small sacrifice...but it's still hard for us.
Ashleigh and I made a link-chain link for every day daddy will be gone. 82 links in all. I didn't realize how long the chain would be. 82 days...11 weeks....almost 3 months... March, April, and May. I think it'll be good for the kids, and me, to be able to remove a link every night before bed and watch it get smaller and smaller and know that we will all be together again soon.
We'll be back together on May 25th.
I'm grateful that my kids are older and are big helpers to each other and to me and they will be my little companions. I'm glad I'll have them around to keep my mind occupied...makes me sad for Nick that he'll be alone. He'll have friends in WA and my sister's family, but there's nothing quite like having your spouse around to make you truly feel better. We are each others best friends...we know things about each other that no one else knows. And we like it that way...
I'm going to miss my best friend.
Very very much.
I love you, Nick!!! Xoxo
I'm sad that you guys are moving. I'll obviously be around so we should get together/I can help you with whatever while you're a single mom.
I love you too baby!! Miss you so much
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