Friday, April 11, 2008

Faucet fiasco

Nick's dad was nice enough to come lend Nick a hand at replacing our kitchen faucet. I don't like the standard faucets that come with houses so I bought a new one. Apparently the plumbing under the sink was really screwy so the first faucet I bought wouldn't hook up right or something. Nick and Randy went back to Home Depot to get a different one. Then they had to go back to get a hose of some sort. Then Nick went back to get a rubber washer--the connections were leaking a I said, it was a screwy set up. Now it's working well and I am happy to say I am the proud owner of a nice new faucet. I actually enjoy doing the dishes now! yipee.

Looking at the screwy set is this going to work?

The kids thought it would be funny to hit their daddy in the bum while he was trying to work--thanks Christopher for giving them the idea!

Still trying to figure the darn thing out....

And Whalah, one week later and I finally have a nice new faucet! :-)


Josh n Betsie said...

I LOVE THE HOUSE PICTURES ! I can't wait to see more. That is way nice of chris to help out. HA HA HA!

Anonymous said...

Oh that was such a fun time at your house doing the faucet thing. Love the photos. Love your house. Wish I had one that wasn't stinking like death. Oh well!!!!