Thursday, April 24, 2008

Our 3 year old camera...

The kids and I went to Lindsay and Cody's wedding luncheon on Tuesday-which was really great, by the way! When I was gathering my things to leave, I accidentally dropped my camera-on my toes-OUCH! This must have been the final straw for my camera cause I've dropped it before, but this time it was the last! It is BROKEN!!! It won't turn on, the lens won't retract, etc! It's so frustrating!!!

But then today, I went to look at it again, as we are trying to decide what kind of camera to buy now, and "It's a miracle", it's alive! It's working again!!! Who knows for how long, but at least it's on! I am so happy about that!!! :)

1 comment:

Josh n Betsie said...

yay for working cameras. i cant believe you have had it for 3 years. love ya