Thursday, March 27, 2008

Random Pictures from our move, etc...

I am back, I have a ton of pictures that we've taken over the last 2 weeks and haven't been able to download until now so I thought I'd just post a bunch of them for you....

Our new FAMILY room....full of boxes and mess...

We found out that a mouse had tried to get in before we moved's the damage to our screen. We never actually saw a mouse in the window well so we assume it got out, but I figure it must have been pretty upset to have made such big scratches. There are quite a few cats in the neighborhood......hmmm.....

Ash and Preston cuddling on our "new" recliner

Our apartment cleaned out ------>

Ashleigh making dough...she loves her mini rolling pin and baking set-thanks GnG Call

My new kitchen faucet.... -------->

Our Realtor gave this to us as a thank's great---I write down all our meals for a whole month on it! What a life saver!

My flowers and our "Believe" sign from my sister Tamsen.

We were watching Enchanted---very cute movie---and spotted Preston in this strange position watching it. He stayed like that for about 5 min! Funny kid!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

On hold for a while

Life is still pretty hectic here with unpacking, organizing, getting on a new work shift, etc, so until that all calms down a bit, I won't be on here for a while.....Just wanted to let you all know...

Oh, we have a new email address---
Please make a note of it! Comcast will be disconnected on Wednesday 3/26! Thanks!!!

And please only call our cell phones for a while...until our phone is set up. If you don't have our phone numbers, send us an e-mail and we'll reply with our phone number! ok? Thanks!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

House and work

It's official, I am the new part-time overnight CSM at Wal-Mart. I start on Friday night...I'll be working 1030pm-7am on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I think this will be really good! I am so excited! The raise isn't nearly as much as I think it should be, but it is something, so I'm happy. There are currently 2 overnight CSM' who is a "back-up" meaning her title is Cashier, but she works as CSM on the nights when the main one has off...which isn't often. The main one-Susan-has been working 6-7 days a week for the last 2 months!!! She is definitely in need of a break! I am glad I can be that for her! The "back-up" (Lynne) has called in sick for the past 6 nights!!! tick tock, I think her days as back up are coming to a close! She's just not very reliable! Anyway, I am excited!

AND....the best news of all, we officially have our house, we have moved about 60% of our stuff already and the rest will be moved today (Saturday) with the help of some wonderful family and friends! The problem, however, is that the City of Eagle Mountain didn't tell us ahead of time that it would take up to 3 days to get our power and water hooked up, so we've been light-less and water-less everyday!!! Makes life kind of hard when you want to clean but have no water to do it with.....hopefully Nick and Randy can get it turned on for us tomorrow at least so we can clean...with out getting in to trouble..... ;-) We'll see!
I'll post pictures of our move soon..... woo hoo!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Future player for the Jazz???

We took a break from cleaning and packing up our apartment so Nick could play basketball with Preston. I was able to get a couple really cute videos of them. If Preston is able to be over 6 feet tall, he may have a chance to play in the NBA--especially with the kind of moves he does in these videos. ha ha.

Road trip with Quinn to Payson

Quinn and the kids and I went on a road trip to Payson UT yesterday. Her friend, Richy, was working down there so we went to visit...and so I could meet him. We had lots of fun!!!! Sure love our road trips!

All ready to go....

Taking her sweatshirt off....I let Quinn drive!

Ash was really tired...and grumpy.

Preston's banana peel....oops

View from the van....pretty!

The kids playing outside.

Looking at one of the many floor plans Patterson homes has to offer--that's where Richy was working so he took us around to see all the different houses.

I only got pictures of the back of his head---sorry!!! I'll try to do better next time. And of course I forgot to get more pictures from our drive home. Oh-well. It was tons of fun! :)

Coloring easter eggs

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Visiting the Easter bunny at Wal-mart

Neither kids cried this year!!! Woo Hoo!!!!! Ashleigh pointed out to me that she can see the easter bunny's arm. ha ha....I think she's getting to smart to really "believe", ya know? It was fun though!

This year......
Last year....(2007)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ashleigh's new bike

We went and bought Ash her very first bike yesterday. (Thank you mom and dad Ballard for the gift card!!!) After trying quite a few we finally chose a Murray something or other bike. It's purple and has tassels and is very girlie. She loves it. She seems very confident on it too which is nice. I've told her some of my horror stories of crashing off my bike - just to warn her, but she's doing really well. I've found that the best place to learn to ride a bike is at the church parking lot. Since there is an abundance of Mormon churches around here, you don't have to drive far to find one.

Day 1 riding a bike---she didn't know she was getting a bike until we were in the car so as you can see she wasn't really dressed for a bike ride---skort and flip flops...oh-well, she did great anyway.

Tonight she did better. I took her to ride during the day, but we went back after Nick got home from work so she could show him how well she can ride. It was cute over hearing Nick give her advice and pointers. He's such a good dad---and he gave her lots of praise! She loved showing off!

I bought a little license plate and put the letters on to say her name (the back says CALL) She was excited to have it there so that everyone knows that this is HER bike! :)

Preston loves playing at the church parking lot too....he can walk/run all over and I never have to tell him No, Watch out, Stop that, etc..... He is always so upset when it's time to go, I swear he'd sleep there if we let him.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

house update...

A few of you have asked about our house. Well, we are still working on it. We are waiting for the final sign off from underwriting and then our lender will order some docs and send them to title and we should be ready to sign on Monday the 17th. To me, that all means that we're waiting...waiting...waiting.... to those of you who have purchased a few houses or who are in the industry, I'm sure that sentence means more to you than it does to me.

For those of you in town-don't forget-we're having a very exciting moving day on Saturday the 22nd! Come one, come all...and bring a friend or two. PLEASE!!!!! Contact Nick for information on what time to be here, etc...THANKS!!!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

17 months old and a BIG talker

I decided to write down and add up all the words that Preston can say. He'll be 18 months old next week so I think he is pretty is most of the words he can say, I am sure I am missing a few...
i love you
car ride
oh boy
oh oh
go away
belly button

I think thats it so far..... pretty good though, right?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Grrrrr.....customers SUCK!!!

Well, it was bound to happen. I have been having so many good days at work that it was about time for me to have a bad one...well tonight it happened. In a nut shell-I was the cashier at the Self Check out area.
One chick stole a movie...
One guy got in line after I put the "Lane Closed" sign up and when I told him he needed to go to another register he got mad, threw the hat he was holding at me and flipped me off. I immediately called security, but he was already out the door.
Shortly after another moron got in that SAME closed lane and when I told him that it was closed he threw a freaking wine bottle opener at me that he was going to purchase and as he was walking out of the store he screamed as loud as he could "This store is a pile of S***!"
I was obviously shaken up...I really didn't expect that reaction from customers and I seriously didn't think buy a HAT was THAT important! Whatever, I mean maybe it was....whatever!
I am just very glad to be home now, to have the day off tomorrow...and that it's my birthday...happy 28th birthday to me! :) Hopefully my work life will get good again.....

Play ground fun-in the freezing cold!

The kids and I had so much fun yesterday...we played hide-and-seek (Ashleigh's favorite) and then went to the local elementary school to play at their playground. The kids has so much fun and so did I! :-)

Preston eating a cookie

We played Hide-and-seek. Ash hid under her bed...Preston was curious and decided to go under there with her....

Don't worry, they got out just fine! :)

Preston trying to go UP the slide-drives me crazy!

Ashleigh-always posing!

Preston trying to figure out where to go next-can you see how red his fingers are?

One of MANY fun slides!

These swings were great! I've never seen them before, but the kids absolutely loved riding in them!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

After a month at Wal-mart I have been asked to be a Manager. My availability is limited since Nick works full-time. I also don't want to work full-time so it's hasn't been a possibility for me to take any other position than cashier until now. They are in dire need of at least 2 more managers and many more evening, nights, and weekend cashiers. Since they are so desperate, I have been able to negotiate my own schedule. Once I get the official word from my bosses, I'll be overnight CSM (Customer Service Manager). I'll be working 2 nights on the weekend and then 1 short evening shift during the week. I'll be working about 20 hours/week which is more than I am working now by working 5-6 days a week! Nick and I were talking about how much gas I would use working almost every evening and traveling from Eagle Mountain to Salt Lake as a cashier vs. working as a CSM and only going in 2-3 days a week I'll be using much less gas! I think it'll be good all around. Anyway...that's my work update. I really enjoy my job and the people there and I am really excited about this new challenge!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Since Preston's last illness ended he has been obsessed with Yogurt-or as he calls it-"O-doh". From the very second he see's my eyes open in the morning he is asking for it "O-doh, O-doh, O-doh". And he'll keep asking until he gets it. Or, anytime we open the fridge he'll be right there saying it over and over and will pull one out of the fridge to try to get us to let him eat it. It's pretty funny actually.
Yesterday, while eating his yogurt he saw the bananas on the counter and asked for a banana too "nana" so I gave it to him...he decided it was best used as a spoon first for his yogurt. Eventually he would eat the yogurt covered banana. It was really cute. Since his illness he has eaten 2 yogurts and 1 banana every day! Wow! What a funny kid......

Monday, March 3, 2008

Primary teachers - beware...

Yesterday I asked Ashleigh how primary was. She started by saying that it was really good-they sang I am a Child of God, they talked a lot about Jesus and they watched a video. She and I sang I am a Child of God together on our drive back home from church. I asked her what video they watched and she said it was about Jesus being put on the cross and "the bad people putting pins in his hands". She said that "Jesus looks different in the video"...I said different than what? She said he looks different than how I remember him.....hmmm.... anyway, the rest of Sunday was good, I didn't have to work for once so we all went to the Call's for dinner, we took them to see our new house, we had a good time. Ashleigh went to bed just fine-the way she usually does. Preston slept clear through the night in his own bed and it was great...until about 5am.....
Ashleigh woke up crying REALLY loudly and hard-almost screaming-and calling for daddy....Nick went to her and she told him that she had a bad dream that bad people were putting a crown of pins on her head and making her bleed!!! She was hysterical and so sad! Nick calmed her down and they both went back to sleep. She woke up again about 30 min later and this time I went to her....not knowing what she told Nick, I was less sympathetic (I was VERY tired and annoyed that she wouldn't go back to sleep-I felt bad the next day when I realized why she was really crying) I got her back to sleep.
The point is, I am a little upset at Ashleigh's primary teachers for showing them this video. Obviously there are some good principles in it, but she is only 5! She freaks out when she watches big kid cartoons! She is WAY more sensitive lately by the things on TV than most kids I think and I just wish they had told us parents ahead of time so we could take her out. What's funny is, I kept thinking about her during Relief Society and I couldn't get her off my mind....I kept thinking--we should go home early, but then kept telling myself that I needed to stay, this is where Heavenly Father wants I'm wondering if I should have listened to myself and taken her home. Oh-well....I am going to call her teacher(s) tomorrow and enlighten them as politely as I can. Poor Ashleigh---she is afraid to go to sleep tonight!