Friday, May 8, 2009

Moms and Muffins

The moms were invited to share muffins with their kiddos in Kindergarten at Ashleigh's school this morning. After working last night, it was a little hard to get up, but I made it to her school only 2 min late! We had mini-muffins--Ash had Chocolate chip and I had pumpkin/choco chip. yum. And we both had milk along with it.

Then we were presented with a flower basket and card that our child made!
I was a blubbering mess! I was the only mom there that cried when the kids sang songs to us and gave us our gifts! It just melted my heart and reminded me just how fast Ashleigh is growing up and how I really need to cherish these little moments with her. Ash is such a good girl--always obedient and so kind. I just love her so much and am SO proud to be her mom!

(on a side note--the thought came to my mind when I opened the card and saw her hand print--"I wonder what Christian's hand would have looked like if he were still alive?" It made me realize how lucky I am to have 2 living healthy wonderful adorable kids....and I know Christian is watching over us!)

1 comment:

Russ and Suzanne Ballard said...

I remember being a blubbering mess with ALL my kids when they did things like that. Thanks for helping me remember! Love you. mom