Saturday, November 14, 2009

Baking time

After going to Cookie Cutters (see post below) the other day, Preston has been asking to make cookies so he could use his cookie cutter that he got from Cookie Cutters to cut out his cookies. (Haha...that's the worst sentence ever!)

Well, I decided we needed to make sugar cookies....the kids put together ALL the ingredients, and mixed it all and laid out the parchment paper on the cookie sheet, etc. The only thing I did was roll the cookies in to balls so they could pressed them out with a sugar-bottom cup.

After we were done with the cookies, I gave them each some dough so that they could roll them out and cut them with their cutters. I loved watching them work together and interact and get some confidence in their "master pieces". ;-) We had a lot of fun today!

End results:

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